It is important to note the passing of time. Milestones, big and small. We reach the end of our first trimester of the 2017-2018 school year this week and it is worth reflecting on the events that have transpired since we met back at Corpus Christi a few months ago.
The summer tans have faded and routines return. Each grade has had a chance to build their mini communities while contributing to the larger one. When we realize that we are all made up of relationships, students with one another, teacher and student, parents and staff, all those small interactions take on greater meaning. Whether it’s a kind word in the hallway, an email to thank someone or a simple smile, we feel the love of our Corpus Christi family as strong as ever.
Our young people have been inundated with harsh realities this trimester. From fires to floods to unthinkable tragedies, our community keeps coming together to support efforts to relieve suffering around this country. We are proud of all of the efforts and initiative of our school family and, as always, humbled by the generosity of our community. What a wonderful example for our kids. When we ask, the answer is always yes. It can be challenging to navigate these heart wrenching events, even as adults. And, we are grateful to be able to help our kids understand that with all the sadness, there is far more love in the world. We thank you for making that message evident in all that you do.
And let’s not forget the learning. There has been a great deal of that as well! From the novel writing in 7th and 8th grades to the slam poetry in fifth grade, our kids are finding their voices and have a lot to say. There is enthusiasm around the new Science program and watching these kids make the transition from the “what” of learning to the “think and do” is amazing and very natural for them. Want to know more about the new Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)?
Book Fair and Walk a Thon. Spirit Days and Food Drive. School careens on and we just try to keep up. The beginning of trimester two is here. We pause to say thank you and remind ourselves that each passing day is an opportunity for gratitude, learning and love!