To celebrate Thanksgiving, we got into our school families to sit around a table, break bread, share thanks, and offer our prayers. The amount of prayers for family, friends, and pets was heartwarming. A young person showing true gratitude is a gift in itself. In my classroom, I think it’s important to mention that many of our middle schoolers gave thanks for education. That is very special.
The fifth grade led our prayer service. They each brought in bread and juice to share, a symbol for the first Thanksgiving. Now, that being said, let’s take a moment to look at the reality of the situation. Basically, we loaded them up on carbs and juice.
Then, after the prayer service, the fifth graders took all of their extra supplies back to their classroom, which made for approximately 12 half-drunk bottles of grape juice and enough leftover bread soak it all up. Subsequently, the fifth graders about quadrupled the amount that they had eaten just minutes earlier.
In conclusion, the Thanksgiving spirit is high, just like their glucose levels. We are all thankful, very, very much so, to be in a position to enjoy your kids, and hand them back to you right at 3:00 when they crash. Have fun with that!