Zones of Regulation

When is the last time you were in the red zone? Maybe a particularly crushing traffic experience or an interpersonal situation that transitioned from the polite into an unflattering outburst. Or, you may have won the lottery! Which would also put you in the red zone. Unmitigated elation! And, in the language of Zones, a totally expected response. 

We don’t use the word “appropriate” when discussing emotions in order to remove the judgement so often assigned to our feelings. When we are judged for the way we feel, we are less likely to share or open up about those feelings and turning the light on by sharing our feelings is often the first step in managing those very emotions. There is nothing quite as comforting in moments of distress than knowing you are not alone. When we open up about our experiences, we usually find compassion and empathy. After all, we really are all in this human experience together.

Zones of Regulation is a curriculum designed to foster self-regulation and emotional control. It was developed by an occupational therapist working with children of varying abilities. Her goal was to create a simple, effective tool for students who struggled with self-regulation. Her work was so successful with learning challenged students that schools around the country have adopted the program. Multiple research based methodologies converge in this simple program that has proven to strengthen communities. Sensory regulation, emotional regulation and executive functioning all come into play as we navigate the complexities of human interaction. Our feelings and behaviors, as well as those of the people around us, profoundly impact our lives. Giving students (and staff) a simple metric through which we can communicate during those challenging moments makes the business of managing emotions less daunting. It is when we are struggling the most to self-regulate when communication is so important, and so difficult. 

Here at Corpus Christi, the language of Zones is becoming ubiquitous and Zones visuals are popping up everywhere. Designed for simplicity, the lessons, which are taught in Kindergarten through Eighth grades, allow space for the entire spectrum of emotions while also drawing awareness to what is ideal for any particular situation. The green zone (focused, alert, engaged) is the ideal place to be when in class. However, if we start the day at a deficit, maybe too tired, no breakfast, stressed about upcoming work, we might walk into the classroom in the blue zone. The Zones program offers tools to help move from the Zone you might be in, to one that might be more suited to the situation. A few wall push-ups might be just the trick to start the endorphin flow that will wake that brain up.  The ability to identify your Zone and recognizing your own ability to adjust your Zone is very empowering. Understanding what triggers you to move from one Zone to another is another very powerful tool. While discussing triggers with all grades, it was notable how often ‘siblings’ came up! 

Ask your student about the Zones of Regulation. And the next time you are feeling tired or distracted, tell your kid you are in the yellow zone. It just might get you some much needed understanding. 
